Cervical Cancer is the second most common cancer affecting women in South Africa, yet it is responsible for the most cancer-related deaths in women in our country owing to late detection of the disease.
Early detection by doing screening for cervical cancer is vital since it allows for treatment of cancer which may be at an early stage while you may not experience any symptoms.
Ladies, please remember to book your pap smear as part of your routine medical examination.
Prevention is better than cure and HPV vaccines have been shown to assist in preventing cervical cancer. It is recommended for girls between the ages of 9 and 14 years, but can be given up to the age of 26 years and aims at preventing HPV infection with the strains of the virus which are associated with the development of Cervical cancer in over 70% of women.
For more information on Cervical cancer, please visit: www.cansa.org.za
or contact the rooms to book a pap smear.